Toribash chat commands
Toribash chat commands

Triggered whenever the server sends a message Triggered whenever a player says something in a room PlayerSayEvent(String player, String message) Triggered when the bot receives a whisper message from another user WhisperEvent(String player, String message) Here is a list of events that you can listen to: Event name ((RoomConnectedEvent event) )īot.((event) => print("Example")) īot.((event) => print("Example")) Now we have our bot instance, we can now hook into the events, this is implemented with Dart Streams.

#Toribash chat commands password#

RoomPassword: "examplepassword", // If the room you are connecting to is password protected, provide the password here. SpectateOnJoin: true, // Optional: Should the bot spectate on join? defaults to true, don't change this unless you have a very good reason to. Import 'package:toribash_bot/toribash_bot.dart' Import 'package:toribash_bot/events/room_connected.dart' import 'package:toribash_bot/credentials.dart'

toribash chat commands

The class you interact with is the ToribashBot() class, which takes a Credentials() object and some optional parameters. Using the library is fairly straight forward if you are familiar with the Dart language InstallingĪdd the package to your dependencies in the pubspec.yaml file: dependencies: Hook into to provide functionality, see the usage section for a simple example. Socket connection to a game room and triggers events that you can A Dart library for creating bots in Toribash, helps you establish a

Toribash chat commands