Little time has elapsed since this strand was spun, and so the web remains extremely sticky.Ī potent liquor created through the fermentation of hornet carcasses. These hard black seeds can remain dormant for years before sprouting. If they were any fresher, they would still be in the ground.

Leafy greens originating from the Near East. Used to treat leather.Ī thick, sturdy rope twisted from common brambleweed. One part softened beeswax mixed with two parts olive oil. The bone of some large mammal whittled down to a sharp point. Served only in her fine establishment, the Carline Canopy.Ī hempen bag filled halfway with ripe Mun–Tuy beans.Ī sweetly scented letter dropped by Ailbert.Ī tender, fleshy leaf taken from a microchu.Ī message entrusted to you at the Archers' Guild by an adventurer calling herself F'mibhas.Ī large bag filled with various dried meats and fruit entrusted to you by a hardened adventurer named Celestine. This melon-sized egg of the violent scalekin known as the anole is still slightly warm. This translucent sac appears to be filled with thousands of tiny pearl-shaped eggs. The disembodied finger of a voidsent bomb.Ī festive lantern carved from a pumpkin, used to ward off evil spirits during All Saints' Wake.Ī handheld firework that unleashes a dazzling display of sparks.Ī sharply scented liquid entrusted to you by Master Gabineaux of Gabineaux's Bower.

There appear to be several deep bite marks in the iron.Ī spherical candy confected to shine like a fire crystal.Ī spherical candy confected to shine like a wind crystal.Ī spherical candy confected to shine like an earth crystal. A simple wooden hairpin treasured by young Aunillie of the Acorn Orchard.Ī sturdy box filled with a set of pristine carpentry tools.Ī single red Azeyma rose entrusted to you by Ethelred.Ī small metal bit used in a set of chocobo reins.